God Tools – Looking for an easy way to share the Gospel with those around you? The perfect complement to your favorite Bible app, God Tools puts some of the most effective and widely used evangelistic tools of all time on your mobile device! Visit the App Store or Play Store to download.
startingwithgod.com – Web site for new believers. Offers an email Bible study, answers to hard questions, resources and more.
everystudent.com (everyperson.com) – a safe place to ask questions about life and what it might be like to know God. Click on the Facebook icon to post an article to your Facebook page. Click on the Share icon to share articles with friends and family.
www.everystudent.info – You will be shown you how you can use EveryStudent.com in personal conversations, on Facebook, at events, even in a 5-minute taxi ride. You’ll find new freedom (and boldness) to comfortably help many find God. We’ll also give you tools to help new believers grow.
Soularium – In an easily transportable packet or an app on your phone, Soularium provides 50 original photographic images and 5 simple exploring questions that allow the user to engage in one-on-one spiritual conversations with non-believers.
Perspective (Spiritual Conversation Cards) – Perspective provides a disarming approach to a spiritual conversation, allowing others to share their perspective about five important topics: Nature of God, Human Nature, Meaning of Life, Identity of Jesus, and Source of Spiritual Truth.
Knowing God Personally booklet – This booklet focuses the readers attention on four spiritual principles for establishing a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ that is personal. Here is a transferable tool to introduce others to Christ in a non-confrontational, conversational format. Here’s an online version with a link to an app to download at the bottom.
Satisfied? booklet – This booklet helps you explain to others how to enter into a life controlled and empowered by the Holy Spirit and how to live in moment-by-moment dependence on Him. Click here for more info on how to use this tool.
The Community– a library of Bible studies and resources that will help you lead students of all levels on campus in deeper understanding of God’s Word.
The Compass – a library of Cru discipleship content and resources that will change the way you do ministry on campus! Be a part of multiplying your life for Christ.
Life On Mission – 100% Sent is the goal, and Life On Mission is providing some great resources that help every student become a sent student. They connect you with like-minded friends, coaches and resources to help you fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission
GlobalShortFilmNetwork.com – There are lots of short films out there, but which ones are best to springboard in to deeper discussion? GSFN works hard to make it easy for you – finding short films that will open the door to talking about things that really matter. Every film has a link to suggested discussion questions to help get the conversation going.
Cru – Is the name of Campus Crusade for Christ in the U.S. Cru is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship.